Yo! I’m Khalil Mayden! I’ve been immersed in the world of business, technology, and design from a very young age. My story began with attending business classes with my father,
which led me towards really diving deeper into my interests of technology and entrepreneurship.
From learning about computer hardware and getting into the nitty-gritty of how the
industry works, identifying problems with sneaker quality of life within my school community, and being a part of companies and organizations such as Superheroic Inc. and Streetcode
Academy, I’m always looking for another opportunity to do some good work that elevates our communities.
As a PC Hardware Enthusiast, I'm constantly scouting out changes in muli-level markets and industries including the computer industry, technological business and finance,
and the state of global trade affairs.
As part of the experiences that I've been a part of throughout my life, including a Campus leader and event organizer throughout highschool.
It has allowed me to observe team coordnination techniques and apply them to my own skillset.
My time in High School as part of many different organizations allowed me to learn successful methods of project management,
and throughout my senior year of highschool to my first year in College, I've applied these skills to many different degrees. From class assignments to outside paid work,
my ability to creatively think outside of the box and apply non-traditional methods of both marketing strategy and product strategy have given me an edge ahead.